Live Well, Love All, Laugh Often!

and leave the judging up to God …

A Little About J.Z.

J.Z. Cline is a recently published author from rural southwest Virginia. Enjoying a lengthy career in engineering and some mostly boring technical writing, he is now expanding his horizon. He has always enjoyed creative writing, with his earlier unpublished works including some poetry and short/children’s stories, done strictly for personal gratification. However, he is now planning to polish up some of those works for future publications. 

More on J.Z.

Reader Reviews for “The New Testament of Trumpianity”

OMG!!! This is GREAT!! Loved the updated Preface and comment on both Graham’s. Took time to really look at the illustrations and loved the nuances, especially the lower corner (of the finale) with D.T. removing his mask. And the credits were great, laughed aloud at several of the inspirational music credits!

(Lay Minister)

Loved it! Getting 20 copies to share with my friends … 


Insert review here …

Young Professional?

Insert review here … 


Laugh at yourself  and the world laughs with you, 

Whine about the laughter and the world laughs at you, 

Either way, the world is laughing!